Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hsc Visual Arts Artists Who Use Bodily Fluids Essay Example For Students

Hsc Visual Arts: Artists Who Use Bodily Fluids Essay For example, for his Australian installation he used different color hair to refer to the nature of Australias racial mix. Julie Rap has used human parts in her ivory to challenge how the body has been represented. Gore example, in Vital Statistics, Rap presents traces Of her own body in rubber moulds that carry impressions of her skin and hair. Andrea Serrate has used bodily fluids in his work. Many of Sermons pictures involve bodily fluids in some way. Depicting for example, blood (sometimes menstrual blood), semen (for example, Blood and Semen II (1990)) or human female breast milk. He has made a number of works in which objects are Bamberger in bodily fluids, Most famous of these is Pips Chris (1 987), a photograph off plastic crucifix submerged in a glass of his own urine. More recent work of Sermons uses faces as a medium. Marc Quinn has used blood in his work. Quinns self portrait Self is his signature piece in the art world. A frozen sculpture of the artists head made from 4. 5 liters of his own blood, taken from his body over a period of S months. This he first did in his late ass in 1991 and continues to do it every 5 years to document his own physical transformation and deterioration, MME Ping Lounge has used hair in her work. Lounge MME-ping began producing the installation work, Memories the Future, in 1998. She collected hair from more than 10,000 people through hair salons, the Internet, street garbage cans in the US and by placing advertisements in a friends restaurant. The owners Of these hair strands are from more than 100 countries and belong to different geographical regions, races, age groups and sexes. Lounge mixed, reconstructed, kneaded and wove the hair into thousands Of child-sized hair shoes. The 3,000 little shoes were placed in a pure white space. Hair detached from its host body symbolisms memories, while the childrens shoes pointing in the same direction represent the Memories the Future contains a message that merges the beginning and the end of life, indicating a strong sense of contradiction. A relatively new trend in contemporary art is to use body fluids in art. Examples include: Artists Chit (1961), by Piper Amazonian in Which the artist canned and sold 90 cans of his own excrement to be sold for their weight in gold; Many paintings by Chris Oriel make use Of elephant dung (from 1992). Gilbert and Georges The Naked Chit Pictures (1995) Marcel Decamp used semen decades ago. Leonie Lees performances from 1990 have involved faces, blood and W)MIT. Hermann Ninths and Dads Origin Mysteries Theatre use urine, faces, blood and more in their ritual performances. Franks B from 1930 has used blood in his performances. All of these artists have used human parts or bodily fluids in their work to communicate their ideas to their audiences. These materials Gang be used to create strong and powerful messages in their artworks. They can be symbolic and represent concepts such as identity and culture.

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